For many, a well tended garden is a place of solace for the heart and mind.  Gardens may move us emotionally through blooms, structure and scent. They add vibrant color, fragrance and beauty to its environment. A well manicured garden can go beyond its value in aesthetic beauty.

There’s something about a garden that always beckons me.  In the natural, before a gardener plants seeds into the soil, the soil has to be prepared. “The soil is a storehouse for all the elements plants need to grow: nutrients, organic matter, air and water.  Soil also provides support for plant roots. When properly prepared and cared for, soil can be improved each year and will continue to grow plants.  Uncared for soil will soon become suited only for growing weeds.”

A cultivator of the soil is careful to break up his fallow ground, to clear the field of weeds before sowing seed in it.

In addition to soil preparation, there are other essential steps that must be done.  As your garden begins to grow, one has to help it reach its full potential by keeping up with garden chores; such as watering the plants, pulling weeds before they go to seed, getting rid of dead, dying and diseased vegetation, banishing destructive insects, supporting tall plants, and harvesting (depending on the type of garden).

I’d now like to draw your attention from the beauty of a well manicured garden and let’s examine the garden of your heart.

In today’s Word, let’s examine a portion of scripture that is found in St. John 15.

John 15:1-17

In some translations of the Bible, you will find the word vinedresser or husbandman.

“A vinedresser or husbandman, is more than a mere farmer. Grapes are more than an annual crop. The vinedresser’s grape vines remain with him for decades. He comes to know each one in a personal way, much like a shepherd with his sheep. He knows how the vine is faring from year to year and which ones are more productive or vigorous than others. He knows what they respond to and what special care certain ones need. Every vine has its own personality. And the vinedresser comes to know it over the years. The vinedresser cares for each vine and nurtures it, pruning it the appropriate amount, at the appropriate times, fertilizing it, lifting its branches from the ground and propping them or tying them to the trellis, and taking measures to protect them from insects and disease.”

Our Heavenly Father is the master Gardener.  “He cares for the branches that is connected to the vine by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest.” (verse 2)

God re-positions connected but under-producing branches to help them bear fruit. God will adjust you so that you are able to produce.

“As a branch is severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine” (verse 4b)

“As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you–but when you live separated from me you are powerless.” (verse 5)

  • Let the Word of God live powerfully within your heart (verse 7)
  • Allow God’s love to nourish your heart continually (verse 9)

Remember, you are God’s garden.  Allow Him to cultivate your heart with the precious seed of His Word so that there will be a harvest of righteousness. God has provided us with a storehouse of seed; the seed of His Word.  Let’s be intentional in cultivating the garden of our hearts!

As so many enjoy the beauty of a well manicured garden, I pray that the garden of our hearts will bring great delight to our Heavenly Father because of its fruitfulness and fragrance of His Holy presence!

Seed Thought:

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11