A sweet reminder

Through the eyes of a pigeon…

There it was, resting by the corner on the stairwell. 

Although countless footsteps hurried by, it never attempted to fly away. 

As I walked by, I couldn’t help but to wonder if it was injured. 

I looked in its eyes and wondered if it was scared…

And then, this thought flooded my heart…

…not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Matthew 10:29b-31

Friends, right where you are, you might be feeling all alone… 

You might be wondering if anyone sees your condition… 

You might be wondering if anyone cares… 

You might be wondering if anyone notices that something is different…

Take comfort in the fact that you are more valuable to God than birds; and that if nothing about the tiny creature is hidden from God’s sight, then know this for sure, that you are not hidden from God.

Help is on the way. 

He is a present help; 

and He will perfect all that concerns you.

Be encouraged!

You are valuable to God; and as such, He will see to it that you are adequately cared for.