God Makes All Things New–Part II

God Makes All Things New–Part II

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV) Have you ever closely examined a diamond, or a precious stone, under proper lighting condition and under...
God Makes All Things New–Part I

God Makes All Things New–Part I

There is an excitement that thrills the heart when someone experiences something new primarily because it holds the promise of a fresh start. “New”, as an adjective, means:...
My Father’s Business–Part I

My Father’s Business–Part I

It was the final days of the academic school year and our school was participating in an ABC Countdown to Summer celebration. The 2020-2021 school year was like none other.  Although I had been teaching for 16 years, I felt like a novice teacher in September 2020. We...
Created For His Purpose

Created For His Purpose

I awoke on Saturday, June 11, and soon discovered the awareness of the presence of God around me. There was a holy stillness. I was prompted to read the Book of Ephesians. I started at chapter 1 and for a while, could not get past verse 3a, “How blessed is God!...